
Homeopathy is a medicine developed in the eighteenth century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann.

Homeopathy works with the body to help stimulate its own healing. For example, a homeopathic remedy that causes a cough in healthy persons can treat a similar cough in ill persons. This way of treating ill health is by the way of similars meaning, like treats like.

In homeopathy no symptom presentation is the same and therefore each presentation of the same symptom is treated differently. All of the symptoms you experience are unique and the more detailed information you can provide about your symptoms the better. This will allow the correct remedy to be selected specific to you.

Homeopathic medicines are made from plant, animal or mineral products. The medicines are diluted at different strengths to minimize your chances of toxicity. Pellets are dissolved under the tongue for quicker absorption.


Homeopathy is not for everyone. There is a chance that your symptoms may become worse before they improve, however, this result is usually a good sign that the medicine is working and your body is cleansing itself in order to restore your health. If this is not for you, there are alternative methods that can be used including diet, acupuncture, botanical medicine and supplementation.


Homeopathy can treat a variety of health conditions including:

  • Mental Health (anxiety, depression etc.)
  • Digestive concerns (GERD, constipation, IBS etc.)
  • Infections (cold & flu, sore throat etc.)
  • Skin conditions (candida, eczema, psoriasis, tinea etc.)
  • Joint or muscular pain
  • Ear and eye concerns (infections, styes, etc)
  • Allergies
  • Pediatric conditions (teething, colic, rashes)
  • Women’s health (menstrual cramping, hotflashes, morning sickness)
  • Fatigue & burn out